A Plethora of Kenyons at Brighouse

A total of 47  Brethren gathered at Brighouse Lodge of MMM on Monday 13th February, including Past Masters of Brighouse Lodge; RW Bro Brian Batty PastPGM, and W Bro Dr Rod Taylor AsstPGM, along with many others from around the HH&DIMA area. There was an earlier than usual start time of 5:30pm, with this being the installation meeting. W Bro Noel Moroney, ably assisted by his team of officers, handed over the reins of the lodge to W Bro David Kenyon. W Bro David Kenyon being no relation to our own W Bro Mark Kenyon, who was present, representing our Provincial Grand Master in his capacity as ProvGSW. - Inevitably there were several remarks about the new WM's 'brother', 'son', 'father', 'uncle', etc. In one of the toasts there was even reference to the Worshipful Brethren Kenyon. Of the 47 present, I was one of only 8 Mark Master Masons who had not yet been through the chair. Although the early start time may have had...
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Visit to Halifax Mark Lodge No 706

This was one of the planned visits by the Huddersfield, Halifax and District installed Masters' Association, as published in their calendar. Halifax 706 is Fearnley Mark Lodge's daughter Lodge. As well as myself, Fearnley Mark Lodge was represented by 3 additional members: W Bros Philip, Chris and Mark. From the IMA, the current president: W Bro John Madigan, and 5 other IMA representatives, with over 24 visitors in total. Also in attendance was our Deputy PGM, W Bro Richard Putrell. The main event of the evening was the Advancement of Bro David Vickers. This being the first advancement Halifax Mark Lodge have had in some time, so it was a significant occasion. It proved to be a thoroughly enjoyable evening, with much humour, and some 'unique' ritual. Certainly an evening to be remembered for Bro Vickers, and all present. The proceedings were helped along by RW Bro Brian M Batty, who stood in as Junior Deacon for the Advancement. The festive board was excellent, with the new...
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